While many uses of triggers involve user-written trigger functions, <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> provides a few built-in trigger functions that can be used directly in user-defined triggers. These are summarized in <xref linkend="builtin-triggers-table"/>. (Additional built-in trigger functions exist, which implement foreign key constraints and deferred index constraints. Those are not documented here since users need not use them directly.) 多くの場合トリガにはユーザ記述のトリガ関数が必要になりますが、PostgreSQLはユーザ定義トリガで直接使用できる小数の組み込みの取り化関数を提供しています。 これらは表 9.107にまとめられています。 (追加の組み込みトリガ関数があり、外部キー制約と遅延インデックス制約を実装しています。 ユーザがこれらを直接必要とすることはないので、ここには記述されていません。)
For more information about creating triggers, see <xref linkend="sql-createtrigger"/>. トリガ作成についてより詳細はCREATE TRIGGERを参照ください。
表9.107 組み込みトリガ関数
Function 関数 Description 説明 Example Usage 使用例 |
Suppresses do-nothing update operations. See below for details. do-nothing更新操作を抑止します。 詳細は以下を参照してください。
Automatically updates a <type>tsvector</type> column from associated
plain-text document column(s). The text search configuration to use
is specified by name as a trigger argument. See
<xref linkend="textsearch-update-triggers"/> for details.
Automatically updates a <type>tsvector</type> column from associated
plain-text document column(s). The text search configuration to use
is taken from a <type>regconfig</type> column of the table. See
<xref linkend="textsearch-update-triggers"/> for details.
The <function>suppress_redundant_updates_trigger</function> function,
when applied as a row-level <literal>BEFORE UPDATE</literal> trigger,
will prevent any update that does not actually change the data in the
row from taking place. This overrides the normal behavior which always
performs a physical row update
regardless of whether or not the data has changed. (This normal behavior
makes updates run faster, since no checking is required, and is also
useful in certain cases.)
Ideally, you should avoid running updates that don't actually
change the data in the record. Redundant updates can cost considerable
unnecessary time, especially if there are lots of indexes to alter,
and space in dead rows that will eventually have to be vacuumed.
However, detecting such situations in client code is not
always easy, or even possible, and writing expressions to detect
them can be error-prone. An alternative is to use
<function>suppress_redundant_updates_trigger</function>, which will skip
updates that don't change the data. You should use this with care,
however. The trigger takes a small but non-trivial time for each record,
so if most of the records affected by updates do actually change,
use of this trigger will make updates run slower on average.
The <function>suppress_redundant_updates_trigger</function> function can be
added to a table like this:
CREATE TRIGGER z_min_update BEFORE UPDATE ON tablename FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION suppress_redundant_updates_trigger();
In most cases, you need to fire this trigger last for each row, so that it does not override other triggers that might wish to alter the row. Bearing in mind that triggers fire in name order, you would therefore choose a trigger name that comes after the name of any other trigger you might have on the table. (Hence the <quote>z</quote> prefix in the example.) ほとんどの場合、行を変更するかも知れない他のトリガを置き換えないために、それぞれの行に対しこのトリガを最後に起動させる必要があります。 トリガは名前順に起動されることを判っているとして、テーブル上に存在する可能性のある他のトリガの名前の後に続くようトリガ名を選択できます。 (それで例中に「z」接頭辞があります。)