<productname>PostgreSQL</productname> includes one merge support function
that may be used in the <literal>RETURNING</literal> list of a
<xref linkend="sql-merge"/> command to identify the action taken for each
row; see <xref linkend="functions-merge-support-table"/>.
詳細は表 9.66を参照してください。
表9.66 Merge Support Functions
Example: 例:
MERGE INTO products p USING stock s ON p.product_id = s.product_id WHEN MATCHED AND s.quantity > 0 THEN UPDATE SET in_stock = true, quantity = s.quantity WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET in_stock = false, quantity = 0 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (product_id, in_stock, quantity) VALUES (s.product_id, true, s.quantity) RETURNING merge_action(), p.*; merge_action | product_id | in_stock | quantity --------------+------------+----------+---------- UPDATE | 1001 | t | 50 UPDATE | 1002 | f | 0 INSERT | 1003 | t | 10
Note that this function can only be used in the <literal>RETURNING</literal>
list of a <command>MERGE</command> command. It is an error to use it in any
other part of a query.