<firstterm>Aggregate functions</firstterm> compute a single result from a set of input values. The built-in general-purpose aggregate functions are listed in <xref linkend="functions-aggregate-table"/> while statistical aggregates are in <xref linkend="functions-aggregate-statistics-table"/>. The built-in within-group ordered-set aggregate functions are listed in <xref linkend="functions-orderedset-table"/> while the built-in within-group hypothetical-set ones are in <xref linkend="functions-hypothetical-table"/>. Grouping operations, which are closely related to aggregate functions, are listed in <xref linkend="functions-grouping-table"/>. The special syntax considerations for aggregate functions are explained in <xref linkend="syntax-aggregates"/>. Consult <xref linkend="tutorial-agg"/> for additional introductory information. 集約関数は入力値の集合から単一の結果を計算します。 表 9.60に組み込みの汎用的な集約関数を、表 9.61に統計集約関数を示します。 表 9.62には組み込みのグループ内順序集合集約関数を、一方表 9.63には組み込みのグループ内仮想集合用の順序集約関数を示します。 表 9.64には、集約関数と密接に関係するグループ化演算を示します。 集約関数の特殊な構文に関する考察は4.2.7で説明されています。 また、初歩的な情報については2.7を参照して下さい。
Aggregate functions that support <firstterm>Partial Mode</firstterm> are eligible to participate in various optimizations, such as parallel aggregation. 部分モードをサポートする集約関数は並列集約など、様々な最適化に有用です。
While all aggregates below accept an optional
<literal>ORDER BY</literal> clause (as outlined in <xref
linkend="syntax-aggregates"/>), the clause has only been added to
aggregates whose output is affected by ordering.
以下のすべての集約は、オプションのORDER BY
表9.60 汎用集約関数
Function 関数 Description 説明 | 部分モード |
Returns an arbitrary value from the non-null input values. NULL以外の入力値から任意の値を返します。 | 可 |
Collects all the input values, including nulls, into an array. NULLも含めてすべての入力値を収集して配列に格納します。 | 可 |
Concatenates all the input arrays into an array of one higher dimension. (The inputs must all have the same dimensionality, and cannot be empty or null.) すべての入力配列を結合して次元が1高い配列に格納します。 (入力配列はすべて同じ次元数を持ち、空もしくはNULLであってはいけません。) | 可 |
Computes the average (arithmetic mean) of all the non-null input values. すべての非NULL入力値の平均(算術平均)を計算します。 | 可 |
Computes the bitwise AND of all non-null input values. 全ての非NULLの入力値のビット積を計算します。 | 可 |
Computes the bitwise OR of all non-null input values. 全ての非NULLの入力値のビット和を計算します。 | 可 |
Computes the bitwise exclusive OR of all non-null input values. Can be useful as a checksum for an unordered set of values. すべての非NULL入力値のビット毎の排他的論理和を計算します。 順序付けられない値の集合のチェックサムとして有用かもしれません。 | 可 |
Returns true if all non-null input values are true, otherwise false. 全ての入力が真ならば真、そうでなければ偽を返します。 | 可 |
Returns true if any non-null input value is true, otherwise false. 入力のどれかが真ならば真、そうでなければ偽を返します。 | 可 |
Computes the number of input rows. 入力行数を返します。 | 可 |
Computes the number of input rows in which the input value is not null. 非NULLの入力行数を返します。 | 可 |
This is the SQL standard's equivalent to <function>bool_and</function>.
これは標準SQLの | 可 |
Collects all the input values, including nulls, into a JSON array.
Values are converted to JSON as per <function>to_json</function>
or <function>to_jsonb</function>.
入力は | 非 |
Collects all the input values, skipping nulls, into a JSON array.
Values are converted to JSON as per <function>to_json</function>
or <function>to_jsonb</function>.
値は | 非 |
Behaves in the same way as <function>json_array</function>
but as an aggregate function so it only takes one
<replaceable>value_expression</replaceable> parameter.
If <literal>ABSENT ON NULL</literal> is specified, any NULL
values are omitted.
If <literal>ORDER BY</literal> is specified, the elements will
appear in the array in that order rather than in the input order.
| 非 |
Behaves like <function>json_object</function><!-- xref -->, but as an
aggregate function, so it only takes one
<replaceable>key_expression</replaceable> and one
<replaceable>value_expression</replaceable> parameter.
| 非 |
Collects all the key/value pairs into a JSON object. Key arguments
are coerced to text; value arguments are converted as per
<function>to_json</function> or <function>to_jsonb</function>.
Values can be null, but keys cannot.
キー引数はテキストに変換されます。値引数は | 非 |
Collects all the key/value pairs into a JSON object. Key arguments
are coerced to text; value arguments are converted as per
<function>to_json</function> or <function>to_jsonb</function>.
The <parameter>key</parameter> can not be null. If the
<parameter>value</parameter> is null then the entry is skipped,
キー引数はテキストに変換されます。値は | 非 |
Collects all the key/value pairs into a JSON object. Key arguments
are coerced to text; value arguments are converted as per
<function>to_json</function> or <function>to_jsonb</function>.
Values can be null, but keys cannot.
If there is a duplicate key an error is thrown.
キー引数はテキストに変換されます。値は | 非 |
Collects all the key/value pairs into a JSON object. Key arguments
are coerced to text; value arguments are converted as per
<function>to_json</function> or <function>to_jsonb</function>.
The <parameter>key</parameter> can not be null. If the
<parameter>value</parameter> is null then the entry is skipped.
If there is a duplicate key an error is thrown.
キー引数はテキストに変換されます。値は | 非 |
Computes the maximum of the non-null input
values. Available for any numeric, string, date/time, or enum type,
as well as <type>inet</type>, <type>interval</type>,
<type>money</type>, <type>oid</type>, <type>pg_lsn</type>,
<type>tid</type>, <type>xid8</type>,
and arrays of any of these types.
数値、文字列、日時、列挙型および | 可 |
Computes the minimum of the non-null input
values. Available for any numeric, string, date/time, or enum type,
as well as <type>inet</type>, <type>interval</type>,
<type>money</type>, <type>oid</type>, <type>pg_lsn</type>,
<type>tid</type>, <type>xid8</type>,
and arrays of any of these types.
数値、文字列、日時、列挙型および | 可 |
Computes the union of the non-null input values. 非NULL入力の和を計算します。 | 非 |
Computes the intersection of the non-null input values. 非NULL入力の共通部分を計算します。 | 非 |
Concatenates the non-null input values into a string. Each value
after the first is preceded by the
corresponding <parameter>delimiter</parameter> (if it's not null).
最初の値以降、各値の前に | 可 |
Computes the sum of the non-null input values. 非NULL入力値の合計を計算します。 | 可 |
Concatenates the non-null XML input values (see <xref linkend="functions-xml-xmlagg"/>). 非NULLのXML入力値を結合します。(参照。) | 非 |
It should be noted that except for <function>count</function>,
these functions return a null value when no rows are selected. In
particular, <function>sum</function> of no rows returns null, not
zero as one might expect, and <function>array_agg</function>
returns null rather than an empty array when there are no input
rows. The <function>coalesce</function> function can be used to
substitute zero or an empty array for null when necessary.
The aggregate functions <function>array_agg</function>,
<function>json_agg</function>, <function>jsonb_agg</function>,
<function>json_agg_strict</function>, <function>jsonb_agg_strict</function>,
<function>json_object_agg</function>, <function>jsonb_object_agg</function>,
<function>json_object_agg_strict</function>, <function>jsonb_object_agg_strict</function>,
<function>json_object_agg_unique</function>, <function>jsonb_object_agg_unique</function>,
and <function>xmlagg</function>, as well as similar user-defined
aggregate functions, produce meaningfully different result values
depending on the order of the input values. This ordering is
unspecified by default, but can be controlled by writing an
<literal>ORDER BY</literal> clause within the aggregate call, as shown in
<xref linkend="syntax-aggregates"/>.
Alternatively, supplying the input values from a sorted subquery
will usually work. For example:
この並び順はデフォルトでは指定されませんが、4.2.7に記述されているように、集計呼び出し中にORDER BY
SELECT xmlagg(x) FROM (SELECT x FROM test ORDER BY y DESC) AS tab;
Beware that this approach can fail if the outer query level contains additional processing, such as a join, because that might cause the subquery's output to be reordered before the aggregate is computed. 外側の問い合わせのレベルで結合などの追加処理がある場合、この方法は失敗するかもしれないことに注意して下さい。 なぜなら、集約の計算の前に副問い合わせの出力を並べ替える必要があるかも知れないからです。
The boolean aggregates <function>bool_and</function> and
<function>bool_or</function> correspond to the standard SQL aggregates
<function>every</function> and <function>any</function> or
supports <function>every</function>, but not <function>any</function>
or <function>some</function>, because there is an ambiguity built into
the standard syntax:
SELECT b1 = ANY((SELECT b2 FROM t2 ...)) FROM t1 ...;
Here <function>ANY</function> can be considered either as introducing
a subquery, or as being an aggregate function, if the subquery
returns one row with a Boolean value.
Thus the standard name cannot be given to these aggregates.
Users accustomed to working with other SQL database management
systems might be disappointed by the performance of the
<function>count</function> aggregate when it is applied to the
entire table. A query like:
SELECT count(*) FROM sometable;
will require effort proportional to the size of the table: <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> will need to scan either the entire table or the entirety of an index that includes all rows in the table. のような問い合わせはテーブルサイズに比例した労力が必要です。PostgreSQLはテーブル全体か、そのテーブルの全ての行を含んだインデックス全体のスキャンを必要とします。
<xref linkend="functions-aggregate-statistics-table"/> shows
aggregate functions typically used in statistical analysis.
(These are separated out merely to avoid cluttering the listing
of more-commonly-used aggregates.) Functions shown as
accepting <replaceable>numeric_type</replaceable> are available for all
the types <type>smallint</type>, <type>integer</type>,
<type>bigint</type>, <type>numeric</type>, <type>real</type>,
and <type>double precision</type>.
Where the description mentions
<parameter>N</parameter>, it means the
number of input rows for which all the input expressions are non-null.
In all cases, null is returned if the computation is meaningless,
for example when <parameter>N</parameter> is zero.
統計解析処理によく使用される集約関数を表 9.61に示します。
、double precision
表9.61 統計処理用の集約関数
<xref linkend="functions-orderedset-table"/> shows some
aggregate functions that use the <firstterm>ordered-set aggregate</firstterm>
syntax. These functions are sometimes referred to as <quote>inverse
distribution</quote> functions. Their aggregated input is introduced by
<literal>ORDER BY</literal>, and they may also take a <firstterm>direct
argument</firstterm> that is not aggregated, but is computed only once.
All these functions ignore null values in their aggregated input.
For those that take a <parameter>fraction</parameter> parameter, the
fraction value must be between 0 and 1; an error is thrown if not.
However, a null <parameter>fraction</parameter> value simply produces a
null result.
表 9.62に順序集合集約構文を使う集約関数を示します。
これらの集約入力はORDER BY
で導入され、集約ではないdirect argumentを取ることもでき、一度だけ計算されます。
表9.62 順序集合集約関数
Each of the <quote>hypothetical-set</quote> aggregates listed in
<xref linkend="functions-hypothetical-table"/> is associated with a
window function of the same name defined in
<xref linkend="functions-window"/>. In each case, the aggregate's result
is the value that the associated window function would have
returned for the <quote>hypothetical</quote> row constructed from
<replaceable>args</replaceable>, if such a row had been added to the sorted
group of rows represented by the <replaceable>sorted_args</replaceable>.
For each of these functions, the list of direct arguments
given in <replaceable>args</replaceable> must match the number and types of
the aggregated arguments given in <replaceable>sorted_args</replaceable>.
Unlike most built-in aggregates, these aggregates are not strict, that is
they do not drop input rows containing nulls. Null values sort according
to the rule specified in the <literal>ORDER BY</literal> clause.
表 9.63に列挙されている「仮想集合」集約は、それぞれ9.22で定義されている同じ名前のウィンドウ関数と関連します。
表9.63 仮想集合集約関数
表9.64 グループ化演算
The grouping operations shown in
<xref linkend="functions-grouping-table"/> are used in conjunction with
grouping sets (see <xref linkend="queries-grouping-sets"/>) to distinguish
result rows. The arguments to the <literal>GROUPING</literal> function
are not actually evaluated, but they must exactly match expressions given
in the <literal>GROUP BY</literal> clause of the associated query level.
For example:
表 9.64で示すグループ化演算はグループ化セット(7.2.4参照)と一緒に使われ、結果の行を区別するものです。
関数の引数は実際には評価されませんが、関連する問い合わせのGROUP BY
SELECT * FROM items_sold;
make | model | sales -------+-------+------- Foo | GT | 10 Foo | Tour | 20 Bar | City | 15 Bar | Sport | 5 (4 rows)=>
SELECT make, model, GROUPING(make,model), sum(sales) FROM items_sold GROUP BY ROLLUP(make,model);
make | model | grouping | sum -------+-------+----------+----- Foo | GT | 0 | 10 Foo | Tour | 0 | 20 Bar | City | 0 | 15 Bar | Sport | 0 | 5 Foo | | 1 | 30 Bar | | 1 | 20 | | 3 | 50 (7 rows)
Here, the <literal>grouping</literal> value <literal>0</literal> in the
first four rows shows that those have been grouped normally, over both the
grouping columns. The value <literal>1</literal> indicates
that <literal>model</literal> was not grouped by in the next-to-last two
rows, and the value <literal>3</literal> indicates that
neither <literal>make</literal> nor <literal>model</literal> was grouped
by in the last row (which therefore is an aggregate over all the input