The catalog <structname>pg_constraint</structname> stores check, primary
key, unique, foreign key, and exclusion constraints on tables, as well as
not-null constraints on domains.
(Column constraints are not treated specially. Every column constraint is
equivalent to some table constraint.)
Not-null constraints on relations are represented in the
<link linkend="catalog-pg-attribute"><structname>pg_attribute</structname></link>
catalog, not here.
User-defined constraint triggers (created with <link linkend="sql-createtrigger">
<command>CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER</command></link>) also give rise to an entry in this table.
Check constraints on domains are stored here, too. ドメイン上の検査制約もここに格納されます。
表51.13 pg_constraint
Column Type 列 型 Description 説明 |
Row identifier 行識別子 |
Constraint name (not necessarily unique!) 制約名(一意である必要はありません!) |
The OID of the namespace that contains this constraint この制約を含む名前空間のOID |
<literal>c</literal> = check constraint,
<literal>f</literal> = foreign key constraint,
<literal>n</literal> = not-null constraint (domains only),
<literal>p</literal> = primary key constraint,
<literal>u</literal> = unique constraint,
<literal>t</literal> = constraint trigger,
<literal>x</literal> = exclusion constraint
Is the constraint deferrable? 制約は遅延可能かどうか? |
Is the constraint deferred by default? 制約はデフォルトで遅延可能かどうか? |
Has the constraint been validated? Currently, can be false only for foreign keys and CHECK constraints 制約が検証されているか? 現時点では外部キーとチェック制約の場合のみfalseになる可能性があります |
The table this constraint is on; zero if not a table constraint この制約が存在しているテーブル。 テーブル制約でなければゼロ |
The domain this constraint is on; zero if not a domain constraint この制約が存在しているドメイン。 ドメイン制約でなければゼロ |
The index supporting this constraint, if it's a unique, primary key, foreign key, or exclusion constraint; else zero 一意性制約、主キー制約、外部キー制約、排他制約の場合、この制約をサポートするインデックス。 そうでなければゼロ |
The corresponding constraint of the parent partitioned table, if this is a constraint on a partition; else zero パーティション内の制約なら、親パーティションテーブルの該当制約。 そうでなければゼロ |
If a foreign key, the referenced table; else zero 外部キーであれば、参照されるテーブル。 そうでなければゼロ |
Foreign key update action code:
<literal>a</literal> = no action,
<literal>r</literal> = restrict,
<literal>c</literal> = cascade,
<literal>n</literal> = set null,
<literal>d</literal> = set default
Foreign key deletion action code:
<literal>a</literal> = no action,
<literal>r</literal> = restrict,
<literal>c</literal> = cascade,
<literal>n</literal> = set null,
<literal>d</literal> = set default
Foreign key match type:
<literal>f</literal> = full,
<literal>p</literal> = partial,
<literal>s</literal> = simple
This constraint is defined locally for the relation. Note that a constraint can be locally defined and inherited simultaneously. この制約はリレーションでローカルに定義されています。制約はローカルに定義されていて同時に継承されます。 |
The number of direct inheritance ancestors this constraint has. A constraint with a nonzero number of ancestors cannot be dropped nor renamed. この制約がもつ直系の先祖の数。 先祖の数がゼロではない制約は削除や改名はできません。 |
This constraint is defined locally for the relation. It is a non-inheritable constraint. この制約はリレーションのためにローカルで定義されます。これは非継承制約です。 |
If a table constraint (including foreign keys, but not constraint triggers), list of the constrained columns テーブル制約(外部キーを含みますが制約トリガは含みません)であれば、その制約によって制約される列のリスト |
If a foreign key, list of the referenced columns 外部キーであれば、参照される列のリスト |
If a foreign key, list of the equality operators for PK = FK comparisons 外部キーであれば、PK = FKの比較のための同値演算子のリスト |
If a foreign key, list of the equality operators for PK = PK comparisons 外部キーであれば、PK = PKの比較のための同値演算子のリスト |
If a foreign key, list of the equality operators for FK = FK comparisons 外部キーであれば、FK = FKの比較のための同値演算子のリスト |
If a foreign key with a <literal>SET NULL</literal> or <literal>SET
DEFAULT</literal> delete action, the columns that will be updated.
If null, all of the referencing columns will be updated.
外部キーに |
If an exclusion constraint, list of the per-column exclusion operators 排他制約の場合、列単位の排他演算子のリスト |
If a check constraint, an internal representation of the
expression. (It's recommended to use
<function>pg_get_constraintdef()</function> to extract the definition of
a check constraint.)
チェック制約なら式の内部表現。( |
In the case of an exclusion constraint, <structfield>conkey</structfield>
is only useful for constraint elements that are simple column references.
For other cases, a zero appears in <structfield>conkey</structfield>
and the associated index must be consulted to discover the expression
that is constrained. (<structfield>conkey</structfield> thus has the
same contents as <link linkend="catalog-pg-index"><structname>pg_index</structname></link>.<structfield>indkey</structfield> for the
<literal>pg_class.relchecks</literal> needs to agree with the
number of check-constraint entries found in this table for each