The catalog <structname>pg_index</structname> contains part of the information
about indexes. The rest is mostly in
<link linkend="catalog-pg-class"><structname>pg_class</structname></link>.
表51.26 pg_index
Column Type 列 型 Description 説明 |
The OID of the <link linkend="catalog-pg-class"><structname>pg_class</structname></link> entry for this index
このインデックスに対する |
The OID of the <link linkend="catalog-pg-class"><structname>pg_class</structname></link> entry for the table this index is for
このインデックスが使われるテーブルに対する |
The total number of columns in the index (duplicates
<literal>pg_class.relnatts</literal>); this number includes both key and included attributes
インデックス内の列数( |
The number of <firstterm>key columns</firstterm> in the index, not counting any <firstterm>included columns</firstterm>, which are merely stored and do not participate in the index semantics 格納されているだけで、インデックスのセマンティクスに寄与していないincluded columnsを含まないインデックス内のkey columnsの数。 |
If true, this is a unique index trueの場合、一意性インデックス |
This value is only used for unique indexes. If false, this unique index will consider null values distinct (so the index can contain multiple null values in a column, the default PostgreSQL behavior). If it is true, it will consider null values to be equal (so the index can only contain one null value in a column). この値はユニークインデックスに対してのみ使用されます。 falseの場合は、このユニークインデックスはNULL値を区別するものとみなします(PostgreSQLのデフォルト動作では、インデックスはカラムに複数のNULL値を含むことができます)。 NULL値は等しいものとみなします場合はtrue(インデックスはカラムに1つのNULL値しか含むことができません)。 |
If true, this index represents the primary key of the table
(<structfield>indisunique</structfield> should always be true when this is true)
(この値がtrueの場合、 |
If true, this index supports an exclusion constraint trueの場合、このインデックスは排他制約をサポートします |
If true, the uniqueness check is enforced immediately on
(irrelevant if <structfield>indisunique</structfield> is not true)
( |
If true, the table was last clustered on this index trueの場合、前回このインデックスを元にテーブルはクラスタ化されました |
If true, the index is currently valid for queries. False means the
index is possibly incomplete: it must still be modified by
<link linkend="sql-insert"><command>INSERT</command></link>/<link linkend="sql-update"><command>UPDATE</command></link> operations, but it cannot safely
be used for queries. If it is unique, the uniqueness property is not
guaranteed true either.
If true, queries must not use the index until the <structfield>xmin</structfield>
of this <structname>pg_index</structname> row is below their <symbol>TransactionXmin</symbol>
event horizon, because the table may contain broken <link linkend="storage-hot">HOT chains</link> with
incompatible rows that they can see
trueの場合、 |
If true, the index is currently ready for inserts. False means the
index must be ignored by <link linkend="sql-insert"><command>INSERT</command></link>/<link linkend="sql-update"><command>UPDATE</command></link>
falseの場合、インデックスは |
If false, the index is in process of being dropped, and should be ignored for all purposes (including HOT-safety decisions) falseの場合は、インデックスの削除処理が進行中であり、このためすべての目的において(HOT安全性の決定を含む)無視しなければなりません |
If true this index has been chosen as <quote>replica identity</quote>
using <link linkend="sql-altertable-replica-identity"><command>ALTER TABLE ...
trueの場合、このインデックスは |
This is an array of <structfield>indnatts</structfield> values that
indicate which table columns this index indexes. For example, a value
of <literal>1 3</literal> would mean that the first and the third table
columns make up the index entries. Key columns come before non-key
(included) columns. A zero in this array indicates that the
corresponding index attribute is an expression over the table columns,
rather than a simple column reference.
このインデックスがどのテーブル列をインデックスとしているかを示す |
For each column in the index key
(<structfield>indnkeyatts</structfield> values), this contains the OID
of the collation to use for the index, or zero if the column is not of
a collatable data type.
インデックスキー( |
For each column in the index key
(<structfield>indnkeyatts</structfield> values), this contains the OID
of the operator class to use. See
<link linkend="catalog-pg-opclass"><structname>pg_opclass</structname></link> for details.
インデックスキー( |
This is an array of <structfield>indnkeyatts</structfield> values that
store per-column flag bits. The meaning of the bits is defined by
the index's access method.
列毎のフラグビットを格納する |
Expression trees (in <function>nodeToString()</function>
representation) for index attributes that are not simple column
references. This is a list with one element for each zero
entry in <structfield>indkey</structfield>. Null if all index attributes
are simple references.
単純な列参照でないインデックス属性の( |
Expression tree (in <function>nodeToString()</function>
representation) for partial index predicate. Null if not a
partial index.
部分インデックス属性の( |