
付録O 廃止または名前が変更された機能


O.1. recovery.confファイルをpostgresql.confに統合
O.2. デフォルトロールの名前を事前定義ロールに変更
O.3. pg_xlogdumpの名前をpg_waldumpに変更
O.4. pg_resetxlogの名前をpg_resetwalに変更
O.5. pg_receivexlogの名前をpg_receivewalに変更
<title>Obsolete or Renamed Features</title>

Functionality is sometimes removed from PostgreSQL, feature, setting and file names sometimes change, or documentation moves to different places. This section directs users coming from old versions of the documentation or from external links to the appropriate new location for the information they need. PostgreSQLから機能が削除されたり、機能、設定、ファイル名が変更されたり、文書が別の場所に移動したりすることがあります。 この節では、古いバージョンの文書または外部リンクから来たユーザを、必要な情報を得るために適切な新しい場所に誘導します。

This section exists so that people following /current/ links to documentation don't get a 404 when we move or rename things. And users who find old versions of the docs in searches or old command names when checking the index can follow links to the new commands. Each subsection here should retain the same <chapter>, <appendix> and/or <sect1> "id" attribute that was used for the relevant documentation before it was renamed or moved. Do not prepend "obsolete-" or anything, keep it exactly the same. These ids are used to determine the filenames for generated HTML docs so changing them will break links. Each entry should also insert index terms redirecting from the old to new names. The recommended spelling is <indexterm><primary>oldname</primary><see>newname</see></indexterm> We don't bother with attempting to maintain down-version linking, e.g from pg_waldump to pg_xlogdump. Users of old versions should use old docs. There is no need to add index terms pointing from the new to old names. doc/src/sgml/appendix-obsolete-recovery-config.sgml See doc/src/sgml/appendix-obsolete.sgml for why this file exists. Do not change the id attribute. doc/src/sgml/appendix-obsolete-default-roles.sgml See doc/src/sgml/appendix-obsolete.sgml for why this file exists. Do not change the id attribute. doc/src/sgml/appendix-obsolete-pgxlogdump.sgml See doc/src/sgml/appendix-obsolete.sgml for why this file exists. Do not change the id attribute. doc/src/sgml/appendix-obsolete-pgresetxlog.sgml See doc/src/sgml/appendix-obsolete.sgml for why this file exists. Do not change the id attribute. doc/src/sgml/appendix-obsolete-pgreceivexlog.sgml See doc/src/sgml/appendix-obsolete.sgml for why this file exists. Do not change the id attribute.